“Since I was going nowhere, it didn’t matter what time I arrived there. That is the beauty of adventure. That is the beauty of life.”

~Priya Kumar, The Wise Man Said

Spun with the adventures of a wanderer in search of life’s greatest experiences across the world, “The Wise Man Said” by author Priya Kumar is an enlightening journey into the inner self, on a path paved with beads of spirituality.

The book tells the story of an 80 year old billionaire, Sammy’s journey to explore the world and discover all the hidden paths to embrace life. His willingness to experience anything, death even, takes him on several life-changing adventures round the world, leaving all his money, wealth and even his identity behind.

Loaded with wisdom, inspiration and little surprises, the book takes the readers on a spiritual adventure as they journey through the diary belonging to the wanderer, who has captured his life’s experiences in there to relive them time and again.

“I am a wanderer, I go where the path leads me.”

~Priya Kumar, The Wise Man Said

Woven in a style that enthralls the readers, each of the twelve adventures of Sammy are meant to teach something worthwhile, offering lessons that are pretty intense at times. Lessons that might take a lifetime to learn is meticulously captured within the pages of the book, or rather, the diary of the wise old man whose adventures, experiences and learnings hold the torch for us to walk on the path towards growth, evolution and enlightenment.

“The path may come to an end but that doesn’t have to be the end of the journey.”

~Priya Kumar, The Wise Man Said

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